escape 掉plugin»mathjax»configfile
:(Optional) One or more files containing MathJax configuration commands. Specify paths relative to the dokuwiki installation directory (e.g. conf/mathjax.js or data/pages/mathjaxconf.txt), and separate multiple files with semicolons.
然後即可自訂 command?是類似 TiddlyWiki plugin 的 \third
How to define global shortcuts / new commands?
Answer Add data/pages/mathjax.txt in the configuration manager under plugin»mathjax»configfile and then create the page mathjax with something simmilar to:
MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { Macros: { RR: "{\\bf R}", bold: ["{\\bf #1}",1], Msun: "{\\textrm{M}_{\\odot}}" } } });
的 textarea 裡設定就好了呢?\def\half{\frac{1}{2}} \def\third{\frac{1}{3}} \def\quarter{\frac{1}{4}
MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ["$","$"], ["\\(","\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ["$$","$$"], ["\\[","\\]"] ], processEscapes: true }, TeX: { Macros: { half: "{\\frac{1}{2}}", third: "{\\frac{1}{3}}", quarter: "{\\frac{1}{4}" } } });
(切記標點符號那些不能錯漏啊~)→ 成功了