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- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- [[doku>toolbar|quickbuttons]], too. ===== Basic Text Formatting ===== DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all ... *, //italic//, __underlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** al... y a whitespace or the end of line. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backsla
- 「本土語言 123」創站計畫
- 快把兩站都改為 @ALL 唯讀啊~這樣,搭配草稿制以後,一般使用者目前什麼頁面都看不見。(但 indexmenu 還是會出現樹狀框架,藏不起來,真麻煩。這應該是 indexmenu 跟 publish 無法搭配的問題) || ^ /^20200817^/ | 設定 googleanalytics ... 除|設定|bug|試用|報告|升級|更新|修正|其他" hidden Taigi2 "=】**" textbox "摘要" hidden Taigi3 "=** <fs small>" textarea "詳述、補充" ! hidden Taigi4 "=</fs>" hidden end "= " f
- Sales @blog:pagemod2
- Single) ^ Quantitiy Ordered ^ Client Cost (Full), ex VAT ^ | 01/02/2009 | B&C | 54.00 | 56.00 | 234.00... @@ | @@Quantity Ordered@@ | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemo... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (S
- Sales @pagemod
- Single) ^ Quantitiy Ordered ^ Client Cost (Full), ex VAT ^ | 01/02/2009 | B&C | 54.00 | 56.00 | 234.00... @@ | @@Quantity Ordered@@ | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemo... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (S
- Sales @blog:pagemod2
- (Single) ^ Quantity Ordered ^ Client Cost (Full), ex VAT ^ | 01/02/2009 | B&C | 54.00 | 56.00 | 234.00... @@ | @@Quantity Ordered@@ | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemod... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (S
- diary
- _ diary:@DATE(@@日期:@@,%%Y/%%m/%%d)@ - date "日期:" textbox "頁面名稱後綴:" @ ! textbox "標題:" textarea "內文:" ! textbox "標籤:" ! submit </form></div>++++ ++++新增推文|<div> <form> action template tweet_te
- Sales @pagemod
- (Single) ^ Quantity Ordered ^ Client Cost (Full), ex VAT ^ | 01/02/2009 | B&C | 54.00 | 56.00 | 234.00... @@ | @@Quantity Ordered@@ | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemod... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (S
- This form submits to another page @pagemod
- age ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_resul... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page @pagemod
- age ====== Note that the destination page has to exist (in this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_resu... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page @blog:pagemod2
- age ====== Note that the destination page has to exist (in this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_resu... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client
- This form submits to another page @blog:pagemod2
- age ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_resul... add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "B&C|Computer Corporation|IT Vision|Compu Cable|Matrix" textbox "Our Cost (Single)" textbox "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client
- 撰寫並顯示數學式 @dokuwiki:syntax
- ething simmilar to: <code> MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { Macros: { RR: "{\\bf R}", bold: ["{\\bf #1}",1], Msun: "{\\textrm{M}_{\\odot}}" } } }); </code></div> <span ri... 60914^/ 且慢,是不是也可以直接在 ''plugin»mathjax»config'' 的 textarea 裡設定就好了呢? * 如果可以這樣設的話,就可以跨 farmer/ani... → Okay 寫了這樣的東西<code js> MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ["$","$"], ["\\(","\
- 表格 caption @dokuwiki:syntax
- * 有 editor 的 toolbar button 耶 * ++plugin:indexnumber [DokuWiki]|[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexnumber|(原文連結)]] {{url>https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexnumber}}++ * 搭配 indexreference {{tag>todo 待研究}}
- DokuWiki @wiki
- de the Wiki and eases the creation of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files -- no database is required. Read the [[doku>manual|DokuWik... IRC channel]] * [[http://bugs.splitbrain.org/index.php?project=1|Submit bugs and feature wishes]] ... kimatrix.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=10|Share your experiences in the WikiMatrix forum]] * [[doku>tha
- edittable 衝突 @dokuwiki:bugs
- ===== edittable 衝突 ====== <todo>解決 edittable 與 indexmenu 及 bootstrap3 等之衝突</todo> ; 狀況 : /^20160614^/ 裝了,但似乎馬上就嚴重干擾 indexmenu 及 bootstrap3 的運作(JavaScript 衝突?),只好先停用;而且實際上,... 說,可把 CSS/JS compacting 停用 → 停用 ''compress'' 以後,indexmenu 及 bootstrap3 等 JavaScript 沒事了,table 下面的 edit