Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ====== Formatting Syntax ====== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to ... ku>toolbar|quickbuttons]], too. ===== Basic Text Formatting ===== DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic... wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] Please note: The image formatting is the only formatting syntax accepted in link names. The whole [[#images_and_other_files|image]
- 擴充文字語法 @dokuwiki:syntax
- ===== 現成 plugin ===== * 這個過期了,不知還能不能用:++plugin:formatplus [DokuWiki]|[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:formatplus|(原文連結)]] {{url>https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:formatplus}}++ * 看來沒有什麼問題 * ++plugin:typography ... reate&s[]=new&s[]=plugin}}++\\ 感覺不容易 ===== Tweak formatplus ===== formatplus 的 plugin 內容應該相對來說較簡單,且蠻符合我
- 更新日誌 @blog:pagemod2
- ====== 更新日誌 ====== <form> action pagemod _self changelog fieldset "更新了什麼?" select "動作類型" "安裝|移除|設定|其他" textbox "摘要" textarea "詳述、補充" submit "記" </form> * 注意 ''<form>'' 中不能有 ``⇥`` 字元! * /^20171102^/ 【安裝】**[[doku>start|apple juice]]**\\ <fs small>用來產生... pagemod changelog output_before> * /^@@meta.date.format.Ymd@@^/ 【@@動作類型@@】**@@摘要@@**\\ <fs small>@@詳述、補
- diary
- ++++新增一般日記|<div> <form> action template _ diary:@DATE(@@日期:@@,%%Y/%%m/%%d)@ - date "日期:" textbox "頁面名稱後綴... x "標題:" textarea "內文:" ! textbox "標籤:" ! submit </form></div>++++ ++++新增推文|<div> <form> action template tweet_template diary:@DATE(@@日期:@@,%%Y/%%m/%%d)@ - date "日期:" textbox "頁面名稱後綴:" @ ! textbox "標題:" textarea "內文:" ! textbox "標籤:" ! submit </form></div>++++
- 更新日誌 @pagemod
- ====== 更新日誌 ====== <form> action pagemod _self changelog fieldset "更新了什麼?" select "動作類型" "安裝|移除|設定|其他" textbox "摘要" textarea "詳述、補充" submit "記" </form> * 注意 ''<form>'' 中不能有 ``⇥`` 字元! * /^20171102^/ 【安裝】**[[doku>start|apple juice]]**\\ <fs small>用來產生... pagemod changelog output_before> * /^@@meta.date.format.Ymd@@^/ 【@@動作類型@@】**@@摘要@@**\\ <fs small>@@詳述、補
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== This form submits to multiple areas on another page ====== Note that the destination page has to... this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_result]]) <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_result ... "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form>
- This form submits to another page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== This form submits to another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_result add_sale... "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form>
- This form submits to another page @pagemod
- ====== This form submits to another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_result add_sale... "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form>
- 「本土語言 123」創站計畫
- <pagemod changelog output_before>^ /^@@meta.date.format.Ymd@@^/ | @@both1|@@@@Taigi1|@@@@Taigi1-1|@@@@... @@end-1|@@@@end-2|@@| </pagemod> ++++更新表單|<div> <form> action pagemod _self changelog fieldset "" sele... hidden end-2 "= " fieldset "完成:" submit "記入" </form> </div>++++ ===== 待辦 ===== * ACL * style.ini
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page @pagemod
- ====== This form submits to multiple areas on another page ====== Note that the destination page has to... this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_result]]) <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_result ... "Client Cost (Single)" textbox "Quantity Ordered" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form>
- Sales @blog:pagemod2
- | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemod:same_page_multiple add_sa... d" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form> ===== Reverse Order List ===== <pagemod add_sa
- Sales @blog:pagemod2
- @ | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemod:same_page add_sale field... d" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form> ===== Nothing should be seen below here ever ==
- Sales @pagemod
- | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemod:same_page_multiple add_sa... d" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form> ===== Reverse Order List ===== <pagemod add_sa
- Sales @pagemod
- @ | @@Client Cost (Full), ex VAT@@ | </pagemod> <form> action pagemod pagemod:same_page add_sale field... d" textbox "Client Cost (Full), ex VAT" submit </form> ===== Nothing should be seen below here ever ==
- googleanalytics 無效 @dokuwiki:bugs
- js.php?...3892c5d (line 5646, col 2)</code> | ^ formatplus | <code> TypeError: jQuery.browser is unde... mplate 問題,而是某(些)plugin 所致? - /^20170930^/ 停用了 formatplus、xhtmlruby、bootswrapper,並清掉瀏覽器 cache 後,看來 go