Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all possible syntax you may use ... f this page by pressing the //Edit this page// button at the top or bottom of the page. If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playground
- 可展開/隱藏內容的 slider @dokuwiki:syntax
- ''slider'' 無所獲;''roller''、''dropdown'' 也無所獲;搜尋到 ''toggle hide'' 才比較有相關結果 * 原來 [[doku>plugin:wrap]] 可能就可以達成了 * 似乎還可搭配 [[doku>plugin:togglewrap]] ☞ ++說明|{{url>https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:togglewrap}}++ * <sup>20160529 //車上用手機//</sup> 也可搜... ap> * 搜 ''collapse'' 沒找到什麼 * 先試 folded 好了!togglewrap 和 hidden 比較麻煩 * 另外還有 [[doku>plugin:ou
- DokuWiki @wiki
- ng }}]] DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use [[wp>Wiki]], mainly aimed at creating documen... es the creation of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files -- no database is required. Read the [[doku>manual|DokuWiki Manual]] to unleash the full power of DokuWiki. ===== Downlo... [doku>changes|Change Log]] * [[doku>Install|How to install or upgrade]] :!: * [[doku>config|Config
- 「本土語言 123」創站計畫
- late 在線上顯示不正常 ∴先改用 /-argon、flat-/ bootstrap3 的 custom theme:Bootsketch\\ → 後來 NAS 改用 PHP 7.3 就可先用回 mik... 200830^/ | 【安裝】**嘿嘿** <fs small>哈哈 </fs>@@separator@@@@Hakka 動作類型@@@@Hakka1@@@@Hakka 摘要@@@@Hakka2@@@... | @@both1|@@【安裝】**呼呼** <fs small>哈哈 </fs>@@separator|@@@@Hakka 動作類型|@@@@Hakka1|@@@@Hakka 摘要|@@@@Hakka... -2|@@@@Taigi4|@@@@Taigi4-1|@@@@Taigi4-2|@@@@separator|@@@@separator-1|@@@@Hakka 動作類型|@@@@Hakka 動作類型-1|
- 撰寫並顯示數學式 @dokuwiki:syntax
- ax configuration commands. Specify paths relative to the dokuwiki installation directory (e.g. conf/mathjax.js or data/pages/mathjaxconf.txt), and separat... ter'' 這種嗎? * ++【補充】|<div> > <div> :?: How to define global shortcuts / new commands? Answer A... n create the page mathjax with something simmilar to: <code> MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { Macros: {
- Bootstrap Wrapper @dokuwiki:syntax
- 用 ''no-body'',值用 ''0''/''1'' ===== 問題 ===== - <todo>popover trigger 可否併用 focus 及 hover</todo> ☞ ++Cannot use hover and focus together for popover trigger · Issue #48 · LotarProject/dokuwiki-pl... t/dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper/issues/48}}++ - <todo>popover 裡放 included page 裡有 folded 內容時,無法順利展開 f
- 擴充文字語法 @dokuwiki:syntax
- 1^/ 這兩個有沒有可能替代 wrap? * importanttext * <todo>試用 importanttext</todo> * important_paragraf * <todo>試用 important_paragraf</todo> ===== 自製 plugin ===== * ++官方說明(devel:syntax_plugins)|[[https://www.d
- edittable 衝突 @dokuwiki:bugs
- ====== edittable 衝突 ====== <todo>解決 edittable 與 indexmenu 及 bootstrap3 等之衝突</todo> ; 狀況 : /^20160614^/ 裝了,但似乎馬上就嚴重干擾 indexmenu 及... de/edittable/issues/69|EditTable plugin seems not to work at all in my setup · Issue #69 · cosmocode/e... u 及 bootstrap3 等 JavaScript 沒事了,table 下面的 edit button 也有出現,但按下去仍然沒有出現應有的編輯表格介面! * 在編輯介面中透過 toolbar
- Popup @dokuwiki:syntax
- /wiki/plugin/bootswrapper/popover ,700px}}++ * <todo #ghsrobert:2016-06-15>測試 Bootstrap Wrapper popover</todo> * <popover html="true" title="**Dismissibl... 更新紀錄</btn></popover>\\ ↑可以了!我要哭了!感謝 神!<<大哭>> * <todo>若能改 popover 的寬度就更好了</todo> * 似乎是改 ''bootstrap.min.css'' 的 <code css> .popover { max-width:500p
- 自行開發 DokuWiki template @dokuwiki:dev
- 700px}}++ - 移植 WordPress theme * ++devel:wp_to_dw_template [DokuWiki]|[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:wp_to_dw_template|devel:wp_to_dw_template [DokuWiki]]] {{url>https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:wp_to_dw_template ,700px}}++ - 支援 Bootstrap * 如果用
- 表格 caption @dokuwiki:syntax
- 改成 ''zh/lang.php'' 也沒用 * 好難哦 :s * 有 editor 的 toolbar button 耶 * ++plugin:indexnumber [DokuWiki]|[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexnumber|(原文連結)]] {{url>https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexnumber}}++ * 搭配 indexreference {{tag>todo 待研究}}
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== This form submits to multiple areas on another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist (in this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_r... _mutiple_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- 將 DokuWiki 頁面匯出為 PDF @dokuwiki:export
- //www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:dw2pdf}}++ * ++plugin:tools [DokuWiki]|[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:tools|(原文連結)]] {{url>https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:tools}}++好像還好,先不用
- This form submits to another page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== This form submits to another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- This form submits to another page @pagemod
- ====== This form submits to another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "