Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all possible syntax you may use ... ton at the top or bottom of the page. If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playgrou... raphs** are created from blank lines. If you want to **force a newline** without a paragraph, you can
- DokuWiki @wiki
- ng }}]] DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use [[wp>Wiki]], mainly aimed at creating documen... quired. Read the [[doku>manual|DokuWiki Manual]] to unleash the full power of DokuWiki. ===== Downlo... [doku>changes|Change Log]] * [[doku>Install|How to install or upgrade]] :!: * [[doku>config|Config... ku>tips|Tips and Tricks]] * [[doku>Template|How to create and use templates]] * [[doku>plugins|Ins
- 自行開發 DokuWiki template @dokuwiki:dev
- 700px}}++ - 移植 WordPress theme * ++devel:wp_to_dw_template [DokuWiki]|[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:wp_to_dw_template|devel:wp_to_dw_template [DokuWiki]]] {{url>https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:wp_to_dw_template ,700px}}++ - 支援 Bootstrap * 如果用
- This form submits to another page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== This form submits to another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page @pagemod
- ====== This form submits to multiple areas on another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist (in this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_r... _mutiple_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- This form submits to another page @pagemod
- ====== This form submits to another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- 撰寫並顯示數學式 @dokuwiki:syntax
- ax configuration commands. Specify paths relative to the dokuwiki installation directory (e.g. conf/ma... ter'' 這種嗎? * ++【補充】|<div> > <div> :?: How to define global shortcuts / new commands? Answer A... n create the page mathjax with something simmilar to: <code> MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { Macros: {
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== This form submits to multiple areas on another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist (in this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_r... _mutiple_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- Sales @pagemod
- e_page_multiple add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Sales @pagemod
- gemod:same_page add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Diff Page Result Page @pagemod
- ====== Diff Page Result Page ====== To modify this page, go [[:pagemod:diff_page|here]] ^ Date ^ Sup... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Diff Page Result Page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== Diff Page Result Page ====== To modify this page, go [[:pagemod:diff_page|here]] ^ Date ^ Sup... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Sales @blog:pagemod2
- gemod:same_page add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Sales @blog:pagemod2
- e_page_multiple add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Diff Page Multiple Result Page @blog:pagemod2
- ====== Diff Page Multiple Result Page ====== To modify this page, go [[:pagemod:diff_page_multiple|he... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>