Fulltext results:
- This form submits to multiple areas on another page
- ====== This form submits to multiple areas on another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist (in this case [[pagemod:diff_page_mutiple_r... _mutiple_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- This form submits to another page
- ====== This form submits to another page ====== Note that the destination page has to exist <form> action pagemod pagemod:diff_page_result add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "
- Diff Page Multiple Result Page
- ====== Diff Page Multiple Result Page ====== To modify this page, go [[:pagemod:diff_page_multiple|he... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Sales
- e_page_multiple add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Sales
- gemod:same_page add_sale fieldset "Add your bits to the table" textbox "Date" select "Supplier" "... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>
- Diff Page Result Page
- ====== Diff Page Result Page ====== To modify this page, go [[:pagemod:diff_page|here]] ^ Date ^ Sup... be seen below here ever ===== <pagemod anothername> * Oops, not supposed to ever see me </pagemod>