====== 重現 NodeTree ====== 2013 年我曾經[[https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/MrueYHk2j7U?pli=1|發表]]了 TiddlyWiki 的 NodeTreePlugin/,[[https://github.com/tobibeer/TiddlyWikiPlugins/commits/master/mods/NodeTreePlugin.js|(目前在 GitHub 上還找得到!)]][[https://gjrobert.github.io/TiddlyWikiClassic-NodeTreePlugin/|(另外我也重新上傳了 TiddlyWiki 檔)]],/ ===== ListTree ===== 或是先移植 TiddlyWiki 5 的[[http://listtree.tiddlyspot.com/|這個 plugin]] 裡所含的 CSS?好像簡單得多。 ==== 測試 ==== - 直接把[[http://listtree.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2FTWaddle%2FListTree%2FStylesheet|這裡面的 stylesheet]] 複製到 DW userstyle 中,變數都先取代為 ''2px''、''silver'' - 測試:
* 是誰太勇敢 * 說喜歡離別 * 只要今天不要明天 * 眼睜睜看著愛從指縫 * 中溜走 * 還說再見 * 不夠時間好好來恨你 * 終於明白恨人不容易 * 不願愛得沒有答案結局
* 是誰太勇敢 * 說喜歡離別 * 只要今天不要明天 * 眼睜睜看著愛從指縫 * 中溜走 * 還說再見 * 不夠時間好好來恨你 * 終於明白恨人不容易 * 不願愛得沒有答案結局
++[{{http://mimg.tk/uploads/big/c3f34a4bd5d2b52edd6b16dc326cceaf.png|擷圖}}]↑初步成功,但有點小 bug,不知是否 DW 產生清單的 HTML 太複雜還是怎樣,下面這段 CSS 的效果:/* top-level: Lines if multiple top elements. No lines if single top element. */ .list-tree > li:last-of-type:before { display:none; } .list-tree > li:first-of-type:before { border-top: {{!!list-tree-thickness}} solid {{!!list-tree-color}}; } .list-tree > li:before { border-left: {{!!list-tree-thickness}} solid {{!!list-tree-color}}; height: 100%;}竟然沒出來 - 純 HTML(不用 wrap plugin) + 英文測試(拿去論壇發問用):
* Starry, starry night * Paint your palette blue and gray * Look out on a summer's day * With eyes that know the darkness in my soul * Shadows on the hills * Sketch the trees and daffodils * Catch the breeze and the winter chills * In colors on the snowy linen land * Now I understand * What you tried to say to me * And how you suffered for your sanity * And how you tried to set them free * They would not listen, they did not know how * Perhaps they'll listen now
* Starry, starry night * Paint your palette blue and gray * Look out on a summer's day * With eyes that know the darkness in my soul * Shadows on the hills * Sketch the trees and daffodils * Catch the breeze and the winter chills * In colors on the snowy linen land * Now I understand * What you tried to say to me * And how you suffered for your sanity * And how you tried to set them free * They would not listen, they did not know how * Perhaps they'll listen now
++[{{http://mimg.tk/uploads/big/b471e421cc20baa95450a40d00b8d2fc.png|擷圖}}]→ [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org/d/18271-need-help-with-last-mile-to-port-a-nice-listtree-style|Need help with last mile to port a nice "ListTree" style - DokuWiki User Forum]]((順帶一提:DW 的新 Flarum 論壇系統超好用的!Markdown 語法的清單語法還支援多行內容及行內 code block、圖片!讚啦!:D)) - /^20200916^/ 耶呼!自己研究了一下,把最後一段 CSS 改成這樣: /* top-level: Lines if multiple top elements. No lines if single top element. */ .list-tree > ul > li:last-of-type:before { display:none; } .list-tree > ul > li:first-of-type:before { border-top: 2px solid silver; } .list-tree > ul > li:before { border-left: 2px solid silver; height: 100%; } .list-tree > ul > li:after { border-left: 0; } [{{http://mimg.tk/uploads/big/8f235d6459b9d6285d012028bffd0708.png|結果擷圖}}]↑就正常了!自己解決了!++(原理)|
* 原本 TW 的結構是 ''ul.list-tree > li'' = 最頂層\\ 但 DW 的 HTML 結構則是 ''div.list-tree > ul > li'' ∴要插一層 ul * 左上角多餘一小段直線,則要用 li:after 去設為零邊線
++ ===== NodeTree ===== /^20200916^/ 嘗試: - 以 [[https://gjrobert.github.io/TiddlyWikiClassic-NodeTreePlugin/#NodeTreeStyles|NodeTreeStyles]] 為底,另存為 conf/nodetree.css - 將各個 image 取代為 [[https://gjrobert.github.io/TiddlyWikiClassic-NodeTreePlugin/#NodeTreeImages|NodeTreeImages]] -
^ NodeTree class ^ 備註 ^ 取代為 DW 元素 ^ | ''.nt-ti'' | 「tree item」樹枝 | ''.nodetree ul > li'' | | ''.nt-ts'' | 「tree separator」枝與枝間的分隔 | ''.nodetree ol > li'' | | ''.nt-tl'' | 「tree list」整個樹狀清單 | ''.nodetree ul'' | | ''.nt-tp'' | 「tree parent?FIXME」樹狀清單的上層元素 | ''.nodetree div.tp'' |
- 在 userall.css 中,最前面加上@import "nodetree.css"; - ''plugin»wrap»noPrefix'' 裡加上 ''nodetree'' - 測試:
* 行嗎 * 來棵樹 * 吧
↑效果沒出來,就還是一般的 bullet list 樣 - userall.css 改為: - @import "/dw/conf/nodetree.css";→ ''403 Forbidden'' :( - @import "/conf/nodetree.css";→ ''404 Not found'' :( - 放棄 ''@import'',改為直接把 CSS 內容放到 userall.css 中\\ → 效果出來了~[{{http://mimg.tk/uploads/big/2ce9401e4471afe3b9db9a675a321d40.png|擷圖}}]但最後一項的線條是錯的,原來還有一處是我忽略了,上面取代錯了,要改一下:
^ NodeTree class ^ 備註 ^ 取代為 DW 元素 ^ | ''.nt-ti-last'' | 最後一枝 | ''.nodetree ul > li:last-of-type'' |
→ 基本型成功![{{http://mimg.tk/uploads/big/0eb394a4fa5142eea9b412eb5c05cea3.png}}] -
* 行嗎 * 來棵樹 * 吧
[{{http://mimg.tk/uploads/big/9f07886c9a621eac23798ea8151a04cd.png}}]↑樹根成功!(只是位置有點怪) - 有樹根加子目
* 行嗎 * 子目 * 子目 * 來棵樹 * 子目 * 子目 * 子目 * 吧 * 子目 * 子目
會變這樣:[{{http://mimg.tk/uploads/big/5a74bb5ab613889b8063e4a25fa66c8e.png}}] - 解決樹根位置:div.tp p { margin: 0; }(原本 p 都有一個 10px 的上下 margin ← 拿掉) - 之前的設計,下面有子目的話,還是都要弄 ''tp'',所以重弄一個:
* 子目 * 子目 *
* 子目 * 子目 * 子目 *
* 子目 * 子目